Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2.05 The Constitution

Is today's government living up to the Preamble?


To form a more perfect Union:
The States use to be more independent compared to now. To form a more perfect union, the government has given more power to the nation than in comparison to the individual states. 

To establish justice:
Equal Rights are improving in today's government. Nearly 50 years ago America was segregated, now look how far we have come. The government is working hard to give the citizens of the United States equal rights. We have a black president now, and if you would have said that when the Constitution was being created, they would think that you are crazy! 
To insure domestic tranquility:
The government continuously is fighting for internal peace, they try to keep the peace under control so that the United States is not fighting each other. Since my dad is a police officer, there are many disruptions of peace with citizens who do not obey the laws, so they work hard to insure that the innocent citizens will be safe from people that think they are above the laws.

To provide for the common defense:
Protection from foreign enemy's is one of the number one things that the government has increased so that we feel safe in our homes. Our government is building our military up more and more everyday and if an enemy were to attack, our country would be ready!
To promote the general welfare:
The government gives out welfare checks to people who are in need, the government is trying to decrease the percentage of below lower class citizens, and increase benefits for the handicap and disabled.
To secure the blessings of liberty:
 The United States is one of the only free countries in the world. We are free to do many things that others are not able to do. The government is fighting everyday to make sure that our freedom stays an important priority.

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